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Get The Most Out of Your Next Reptile Vet Visit

As I picked up the leopard tortoise to begin my examination, my client asked, “Gee, Doc, how can you tell what’s going on inside? It’s like a black box.” With the tortoise’s head covered by its front legs and its back legs tucked tightly into its shell, I couldn't agree more. I was looking at [...]

2016-12-15T06:52:54+00:00By |Articles|

What Time Is ‘Vet Time’?

How long will you wait before seeking medical help? Do you try a few over-the-counter remedies to see if the symptoms go away? Every one of us has a different answer. Some will seek a professional opinion early on while others will wait, sometimes too late for the disease to be fixed. Read Original Article: [...]

2015-05-01T01:35:00+00:00By |Articles|

How to Recognize and Treat Reptile Ectoparasites

This may sound like some campy 1950s horror movie about mutant, radioactive monsters invading a small town, but ectoparasites are real. And they can be a real threat to our pets. If you keep reptiles long enough, sooner or later you will have to deal with them. This article will give you some insight on [...]

2016-12-15T06:52:54+00:00By |Articles|

Reptile Ectoparasite Health Terms Glossary

Anemia – Below-normal, red-blood cells. Can be caused by blood loss from heavy ectoparasite loads.   Anorexia – Loss of appetite. This is a common presentation for many problems in reptiles of which parasite infestations is one possible cause. Antiparasitic – An agent that kills parasites. Ataxia – Loss of muscular coordination as might be [...]

2016-12-15T06:52:54+00:00By |Articles|
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